Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker Extra Ops Item Captures UPDATED

Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker Extra Ops Item Captures

2010 video game

2010 video game

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker Cover Art.jpg
Developer(s) Kojima Productions
Publisher(southward) Konami
Director(due south) Hideo Kojima
  • Hideo Kojima
  • Kenichiro Imaizumi
  • Kazuki Muraoka
  • Yoshikazu Matsuhana
Designer(south) Hideo Kojima
  • Masao Tomosawa
  • Makoto Sonoyama
Creative person(s) Yoji Shinkawa
  • Hideo Kojima
  • Shuyo Murata

Akihiro Honda

Series Metallic Gear
Platform(due south)
  • PlayStation Portable
  • PlayStation 3
  • Xbox 360

Apr 29, 2010

  • PlayStation Portable
    • JP: Apr 29, 2010[1]
    • NA: June 8, 2010
    • AU: June 17, 2010
    • EU: June xviii, 2010[1]
  • PlayStation iii, Xbox 360
    HD Edition
    • NA: Nov 8, 2011[one]
    • JP: Nov ten, 2011[1]
    • European union: February 3, 2012[ane]
    • AU: February 16, 2012
Genre(s) Stealth
Style(s) Single-role player, multiplayer

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker [a] is a 2010 stealth game developed by Kojima Productions and published past Konami.[2] Information technology is the 7th Metal Gear game written, directed, and designed by Hideo Kojima, and the fifth installment of the Metal Gear Solid series, as well as the quaternary Metal Gear game fabricated specifically for the PlayStation Portable, following Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops.[b] [iii] The game was later released for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 equally part of the Metal Gear Solid Hard disk Collection in North America and Europe and equally a stand-solitary retail release in Nihon.

Peace Walker is set in Republic of costa rica in 1974, and follows the exploits of returning protagonist Ophidian[c] as he runs the mercenary unit Militaires Sans Frontières (Soldiers Without Borders).[four] It was widely acclaimed by critics, but the PlayStation Portable version failed to match the commercial success of its console predecessors due to declining back up for the organization.

Gameplay [edit]

Snake and an MSF soldier conducting a Co-Ops mission. The paradigm has Snake in Naked uniform hiding from a Peace Sentinels soldier, armed with an M60 GPMG. The player's partner is barely seen hiding on the other side of the truck.

Peace Walker consists of two primary gameplay modes: "Mission" and "Mother Base of operations". "Mission" are the actual activeness sequences of the game, where the actor must infiltrate an enemy territory or fight a boss, whereas "Mother Base" is an ground forces management fashion similar to the briefing screen in Portable Ops.

Missions [edit]

Players get to choose which missions to play from the "Mission Selector" screen. There are 2 main types of Missions: Main Ops are the primary story-based missions in which goals are determined by the narrative and must be played in a strict lodge in society to proceed. Some Main Ops missions include illustrated cutscenes that involve bits of interactivity in order to go on. Extra Ops are optional missions that involve much more elaborate goals ranging from simple target practices to obtaining secret documents.

When the actor completes a mission, their operation is evaluated afterward. A player's score is penalized with a lower rank and reduced heroism for excessive killing and frequently being discovered, whereas players who are stealthy and subdue enemy soldiers not-lethally will be awarded appropriately. Players can replay previously cleared missions for higher scores.

The game adopts certain play mechanics from Metallic Gear Solid 4, such as the crouching walk, the over-the-shoulder shooting view, the CQC system, and the ability to search held-up soldiers. The truck from Portable Ops, where players tin bring subdued enemies for recruitment, has been discarded in favor of the Fulton Recovery System, which players attach to subdued soldiers and prisoners. The Wi-Fi recruitment system from Portable Ops has been modified so that instead of tapping the Circumvolve button to obtain a strong enough indicate from an access point, the player will have to knock out soldiers using CQC to accept them. The cardboard box used to hide from enemy soldiers is at present available in two-human versions chosen Honey Boxes, which have different variants. The Surround Indicator in Portable Ops can also be used only when it is equipped in the particular box and players will as well develop and use an early version of the Soliton radar organization from the original Metal Gear Solid. The game features the camouflage alphabetize system from Ophidian Eater, but the player does not have the ability to change camouflage uniforms during a mission as the point index will be entirely based on movement, position, and the size of the weapon equipped in the weapon box. The histrion tin too use marking devices to telephone call in artillery strikes or resupply drops.

Movement is washed on the analog stick; actions such equally co-op actions utilize the directional-pad; melee actions, which include multiple throws into crowds of enemies, use the R button; and weapons use the Fifty button with the R push. Players volition be unable to move or shoot while lying downward and while pinned on a wall. The player can set the command system according to that of Portable Ops,[5] Guns of the Patriots, or Capcom'southward Monster Hunter series.

Before starting a mission, the player tin choose a character, forth with their weapon loadout, which is determined by the wardrobe chosen. Players can choose to command Serpent or any MSF soldier assigned to the combat unit of measurement, with male and female members both available to cull from. Each soldier has their own combat stats, which measures a soldier's offensive and defensive capabilities. Some of the main missions will only be available to Serpent, and likewise for MSF soldiers and certain extra ops. The player's carrying capacity is express and any excessive items that the actor obtains during a mission will be transferred over to Mother Base's inventory. In that location are four chief types of uniforms that can be worn past the actor character.

  • Jungle Fatigues – The default uniform. A balance of stealth, defense, weapons, and inventory. Alternate versions of this outfit with different colors and camo patterns can be obtained throughout various missions
  • Naked – A shirtless version of the Jungle Fatigues, players using Naked uniforms move faster at the cost of lower camo index, weaker defense, and fewer items. When worn by an MSF soldier, they will exist wearing a brown tank top.
  • Sneaking Suit – Resembling the sneaking conform worn by Solid Ophidian in previous Metal Gear Solid games, it allows players to motility without generating foot noise and have college camouflage compared to other suits while moving, but restricts them to v items and six secondary weapons. The blueprint of the Sneaking Accommodate worn past MSF soldiers differs slightly from Snake'south version.
  • Battle Clothes – A heavily armored adapt that allows the histrion to carry a third main weapon and blot heavy firepower, but at the cost of a lower particular conveying capacity, slower mobility and a lower cover-up alphabetize. A variant outfitted with a metal headband for Serpent, or a helmet for MSF Soldiers, is also available, which increases the defenses.

Other outfits are likewise available, such equally t-shirts in various designs, swimsuits, a tuxedo and outfits inspired by the wardrobe of supporting characters.

Mother Base of operations [edit]

Female parent Base is an abandoned OTEC inquiry platform in the Caribbean that serves as the MSF's headquarters. Aside from managing the combat, medical, intelligence, and technology research teams seen in Portable Ops, the player can assign personnel to the mess hall crew to feed the troops and go on up their morale. Rebellious or injured personnel can be brought to the brig and sickbay, respectively. The player can capture military vehicles that appear in the game every bit small-scale dominate opponents, such as armored personnel carriers, tanks, and assail helicopters. Upward to 350 soldiers can exist recruited; backlog staff caught in a mission must be discharged and upwards to 50 vehicles can be captured over the course of the game.

Items and weapons are non procured on-site, just rather they're adult by MSF'due south research and development partitioning based on blueprints obtained from missions. New items and weapons tin only be adult when the player has sufficient GMP (Gross Military Production, the player'due south currency) and sure MSF divisions have reached the required level. In one case development of an item has been completed, the R&D staff will automatically mass-produce them for the entire army.

Outer Ops [edit]

Outer Ops is a new game mechanic where players can deploy their combat unit of measurement soldiers (with the exception of Serpent and other unique characters) and captured vehicles on sure missions confronting estimator opponents. Each set on forcefulness codenamed from Alpha to Hotel has viii slots for assigning vehicles or soldiers, who can gain gainsay bonuses such as additional hit points and Psyche points, and generate income for the team. Depending on the scale of the enemy's firepower, MSF soldiers who are defeated during the battle can either die or be brought to sickbay for treatment. Vehicles that show impairment in one mission volition withal show impairment unless they are taken off the front for repairs, while decommissioned vehicles will be stricken from the inventory.

Metallic Gear ZEKE [edit]

During the course of the game, the player will fight advanced AI-controlled vehicles, code-named PUPA, CHRYSALIS, COCOON, and the titular Peace Walker. Each of these vehicles has an AI pod that the player can infiltrate after sufficiently damaging the vehicle in a boss battle, at which point the histrion must remove AI boards from within to shut downwards the AI and fully defeat the boss. Depending on the histrion's strategy in defeating these bosses, vehicle parts and AI boards can be harvested and used to build Metallic Gear ZEKE, a bipedal mech designed by Dr. Emmerich for MSF to protect the system from foreign assailment. ZEKE can be employed on Outer Ops missions every bit a support vehicle, and its level of evolution influences the difficulty of the concluding mission of the storyline.

Multiplayer [edit]

In add-on to the standard single-player mode, almost of the missions can also be played cooperatively through an boosted game manner called Co-Ops. Infiltration missions during Co-Ops can be played alongside a second player, while up to four players tin participate in battles against enemy vehicles and AI weapons. There are several actions that tin can take place when two players are next to each other. The "snake germination" allows two players to synchronize with each other as i role player leads the way, too assuasive the players to fire on the move. Other co-operative actions include property up closing doors, performing CPR on fallen comrades, sharing items, and interim as a lookout man when a partner'due south vision is obscured.

Versus Ops are multiplayer matches played over special versions of certain maps. The player has a option of whether to organize individual or team deathmatches, base capture and quetzal capture missions. Only certain items or weapons unlocked in the single-player campaign can be used in the mode. Each match can gather up to six players with restrictions included, such every bit life and psyche points not regained and limited time for CPR revivals.

Cutscenes [edit]

The in-game cutscenes come up in two unlike varieties: 3D sequences rendered using the game engine, and second sequences utilizing an illustration way similar to those featured in Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel and Metallic Gear Solid: Portable Ops. The latter style has gameplay relevance, beingness host to quick-time events that have differing effects on the consequence of missions, ranging from contribution to mission rankings, recruitment of personnel, determining mission success, and affecting the outcome of a subsequent mission. The 3D-rendered cutscenes are available with either text-but narration, or with the inclusion of voice interim—the latter requires the decompression and installation of audio data to the PSP storage media, to allow simultaneous audio playback and game rendering without real-fourth dimension decompression overhead; this feature too permits voiced radio calls during missions. 2d cutscenes are bachelor with full sound support without installation to media.

During the Mother Base style of gameplay, plot details, tutorials, and character interviews can be accessed also, taking the in-game form of cassette tapes played back on Sony Walkman players.

Plot [edit]

Peace Walker begins on November iv, 1974. Big Boss is running his own mercenary unit in Colombia afterward leaving the United States, following the death of The Boss during Performance Snake Eater 10 years prior. A mysterious paramilitary group equipped with a startling quantity of quality weapons, called the "Peace Sentinels", has been deployed in Costa Rica. Despite the Sentinels being equipped with firepower equivalent to that of a country army, the Costa Rican government cannot do anything about them because the land'south constitution does not allow the creation of an official war machine. The Sentinels' presence threatens to endanger the balance of power between the East and West.[6]

Characters [edit]

The game'south returning protagonist is Ophidian, otherwise known as Big Boss (David Hayter/Akio Ōtsuka), who is leading a new mercenary group called Militaires Sans Frontières (commonly abbreviated as MSF). He is assisted in this endeavor by MSF deputy principal Kazuhira Miller (Robin Atkin Downes/Tomokazu Sugita). They are eventually joined later in the game by Sandinista rebel leader Amanda Valenciano Libre (Grey DeLisle/Romi Park) and her younger brother, Ricardo "Chico" Valenciano Libre (Antony Del Rio/Kikuko Inoue); Paz Ortega Andrade (Tara Strong/Nana Mizuki), a student at the University of Peace; Dr. "Huey" Emmerich (Christopher Randolph/Hideyuki Tanaka), mentioned in previous games as the father of Otacon;[seven] [8] and French ornithologist Cécile Cosima Caminades (Catherine Taber/Yu Kobayashi).

The game'southward master antagonists are Hot Coldman (H. Richard Greene/Mugihito), who is the CIA Central America station master, and Ramón Gálvez Mena (Steven Blum/Hōchū Ōtsuka), Paz's teacher. Dr. Strangelove (Vanessa Marshall/Yumi Kikuchi) is a British AI expert whom Coldman hired to piece of work on the Peace Walker Projection and is subsequently attracted to Huey.

The game too features flashback scenes from MGS3, specially the last battle between Snake and The Dominate, plus the audiotape that EVA (Suzetta Miñet/Misa Watanabe) left behind after Operation Snake Eater. Through a set of audiotape briefing files unlocked upon completing the game, EVA also provides Snake with new information about The Boss' activities during a flow where Snake was unable to keep in bear upon with her. Lori Alan and Kikuko Inoue too reprise their phonation roles as The Boss in the flashbacks and every bit the vocalization of the Mammal Pod AI construct modeled after The Dominate. Trenya from Capcom's Monster Hunter serial also appears as Snake'southward transporter to a mythical island, where he tin can boxing the Rathalos and Tigrex monsters from the same series.

Story [edit]

Four years after the events of the San Hieronymo incident, Big Dominate—who prefers his original codename, Serpent—and Kaz Miller have established Militaires Sans Frontières, a small-scale mercenary faction, on the Colombian declension. They are approached past Ramon Galvez Mena, a professor at the University of Peace, and his pupil, Paz Ortega Andrade. Galvez attempts to rent MSF to investigate an army that has discreetly occupied parts of Republic of costa rica. Ophidian refuses, identifying Galvez as a KGB agent, merely is convinced when Paz plays a recording of The Boss.

When Snake arrives in Costa Rica, he begins to suspect that the mystery army has brought nuclear weapons with them. Enlisting the help of the Sandinista Liberation Army, he tracks a shipment to a research facility deep in the mountains. His suspicions are confirmed when he witnesses Hot Coldman, a senior CIA agent, announce his intentions to fire a live nuclear weapon as part of a project code-named "Peace Walker", a fail-mortiferous nuclear tank. Ophidian reveals himself to Huey Emmerich, 1 of Peace Walker's designers, who agrees to aid him end Coldman.

Following Huey's instructions, Ophidian ventures deeper into Costa Rica, searching for Dr. Strangelove, the designer of Peace Walker'due south bogus intelligence systems. He discovers that Strangelove has based Peace Walker's primary control systems on The Dominate' personality. She demands to know whether The Boss genuinely defected to the Soviet Marriage, or if she died on a mission that was covered up, going and then far every bit to torture Snake for information.

Snake escapes custody and attempts in vain to destroy Peace Walker, a quadrupedal nuclear launch platform. He chases Peace Walker across the Nicaraguan edge to an American airbase on the shores of Lake Cocibolca. Discovering that the base has been occupied by Soviet soldiers, Snake infiltrates the facility to face Coldman. Coldman reveals the purpose of Peace Walker: he believes that nuclear deterrence is a flawed theory, relying on humans to retaliate in the result of a nuclear exchange, whom he believes to be unwilling to destroy their ain race. As an impartial artificial intelligence, Peace Walker would guarantee retaliation, and Coldman intends to fire a warhead to prove it. All of a sudden, the facility is overrun past Soviet soldiers, led by Galvez, who reveals himself equally Vladimir Zadornov. Zadornov intends to hijack Peace Walker for the Soviet Union, only the standoff is broken by the inflow of MSF and the Sandinistas, giving Snake enough time to destroy Peace Walker.

In the aftermath of the battle, Zadornov is captured, and Coldman mortally wounded. In his dying moments, Coldman activates Peace Walker'due south data uplink, convincing NORAD that the United States is most to be striking by a Soviet nuclear strike. Ophidian contacts NORAD, and tries to convince them to stand down, but senior members of the armed forces refuse and plan to retaliate. With a nuclear strike imminent, The Boss' personality takes command of Peace Walker's damaged artificial intelligence and drowns Peace Walker in Lake Cocibolca, severing the connexion and ending the threat.

Sometime later, Zadornov repeatedly escapes from MSF, the terminal of which leads to his expiry, arousing Snake's suspicions that someone has betrayed them. Paz reveals herself to be the traitor, using Zadornov's escapes to seize control of Metallic Gear ZEKE, a walking tank designed by Huey to human action as MSF's deterrent confronting foreign intervention. Interim equally an agent of Major Zero—now using the name "Cipher"—Paz issues Snake an ultimatum: surrender MSF to Nil and become his deterrent, or else she volition fire a nuclear warhead on America, at which signal they will be branded a nuclear-equipped extremist cult, and the world will unite in their pursuit of MSF. Snake prevents the launch past crippling ZEKE, and Paz is thrown into the ocean. In the aftermath, Snake reconciles with his memory of The Boss and accepts the title of Big Dominate equally he rallies the soldiers of MSF to gear up for a fight for their survival, declaring them to be living in "Outer Heaven".

Development [edit]

The idea of Peace Walker originated during the development of Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops. Although Kojima planned to leave the project in the hands of other members from Kojima Productions, in guild to make the plot'southward message clearer for the young demographic, he took the office of manager at the same time as he was developing Metallic Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.[nine] [10] The game was fabricated for the PlayStation Portable due to content that could only work on it, such as the cooperative multiplayer characteristic. While being a stealth-based game like the previous titles, new gameplay features such every bit the customization and levelling up were added to increment the replay value.[ix] The employ of a cooperative mode is intended to have players help each other and grow a sense of friendship.[11] The development team that worked on Peace Walker was equally large as the team that worked on Metal Gear Solid iv: Guns of the Patriots.[ citation needed ] Although several of the staff members had already worked on Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, Peace Walker was created with a different mindset.[12] Kojima considered Peace Walker to be the biggest game he has ever worked on.[thirteen] During the planning stages, the game was known as Metallic Gear Solid 5: Peace Walker.[14]

As seen in previous Metal Gear games, Peace Walker features antiwar and antinuclear themes, this time focused on the countries' states and relationships.[9] The game'due south theme is "Peace".[15] Character-wise, information technology was made to testify Snake'due south experiences throughout the story that make him take the title of Large Boss, further resembling his adversary persona from the kickoff Metal Gear game.[11] Due to the game's intended audience, Peace Walker is the beginning primary Metal Gear game to receive a "Teen" rating from the ESRB since Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus. The Japanese version had content cutting in regards to a violent scene. Kojima commented that "There'south tolerance for fantasy games, just for games where you lot evidence state of war or real violence between people, you plainly can't complain about anything. With this, it seems incommunicable to communicate something through games."[16]

Music [edit]

The Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Original Soundtrack was released on April 14, 2010.[17] The soundtrack is primarily equanimous past Kojima Productions' Kazuma Jinnouchi and Nobuko Toda, with Akihiro Honda providing the orchestral theme and the theme songs, "Heavens Dissever" (performed in English past Australian vocaliser and actress Donna Burke) and "Koi no Yokushiryoku (Love Deterrence)" (performed in Japanese by vocaliser-songwriter Nana Mizuki, Paz'south Japanese vox actress). Norihiko Hibino, Yoshitaka Suzuki, Takahiro Izutani, Todd Haberman, and Jeremy Soule also provided boosted compositions for the game.[18] The game also features music from other Metallic Gear Solid games, such as Portable Ops 'south "Calling to The Night", which can exist played in the game's Walkmans. The game's credit music features a faithful comprehend version of the Carpenters' 1973 operation of "Sing" sung past Japanese-American singer and musician Cindy Asada. In the context of the game, the song appears on a taped recording and is sung by the Boss AI equally Peace Walker sinks nether Lake Cocibolca. The game also used the Vocaloid software.[nineteen]

Promotion [edit]

On March 27, 2010, Japanese potable house Suntory released a special line of eight cans in Nippon that have images of various Peace Walker characters for the Mountain Dew and Pepsi Nex lines.[20] [21] The drinks are promoted in the game as wellness items, with Snake peradventure getting a Mountain Dew shirt afterward the player inputs a special lawmaking found in the actual cans. Japanese apparel brand Uniqlo is too running a similar promotion. Still, the labelled products were simply available in the Japanese version; their counterpart in the North American and European version would accept generic names and the MSF logo. The player can likewise use diverse incarnations of Sony Walkmans to listen to the game'south background music.[22] Sony besides released a limited-edition W Series Walkman, the NWZ-W252CAMO, which comes with special game codes, vi exclusive tracks from the game, and a special cover-up pare.[23]

On April ane, 2010, Konami released a short promotional video with Patrice Desilets, the creative director of Assassinator's Creed Two. The clip, which was an April Fool's Day joke, features Snake performing Altaïr's "jump of faith" dive into a large pile of hay (the Assassin's Harbinger Box) and stealthily knocking out enemies. The Easter egg is part of the game as a special Honey Box that players tin can utilize to capture enemies, but it can also deteriorate with repeated utilise.[24] Konami and Ubisoft earlier produced an Assassin's Creed-themed April Fool's Twenty-four hour period joke for Metal Gear Solid 4 in 2008, which featured Snake wearing an Altaïr costume.[22]

On April vii, 2010, Konami and Square Enix unveiled a new line of activeness figures based on the game. Released under Square's Play Arts Kai series, the line features the Sneaking Suit and Jungle Fatigues variants of Serpent and the game's main boss machines – Chrysalis (the VTOL aircraft featured in the original E3 trailer), Pupa (a derivative of the Shagohod), Basilisk (the mech being carried by Chrysalis in the TGS09 trailer), and the Cocoon (a large mobile fortress with multiple turrets). In addition, parts of the Peace Sentinels mechs, plus special game logos, can exist transferred to Front Mission Evolved for use in the Wanzers.[25] [26] The line has since expanded to add figures of Battle Clothes Snake, Miller and Metal Gear ZEKE, which can be accessorized with sure parts packaged in the Peace Sentinels mech figures. Kaiyodo's Revoltech line followed with a Snake in Sneaking Adapt action figure in 2012.

To build interest for the game's N American release, Konami, Best Purchase, and Sony Online Entertainment launched a lawmaking-collecting contest on May 5, 2010. The "Lawmaking Hunt", which was sectional to United States customers of PlayStation Dwelling, would take teams of 5 contestants scouring locations for elusive Peace Walker codes, each of which would get them closer and closer to the k prize. The promo ended on June ii with the winners announced on June 29. The prizes included $x,000 in cash and Peace Walker Big Boss Bundles.[27] [28]

With the game's Japan release on April 29, Konami embarked on a globe bout to promote the game. The Asian leg started simultaneously in Tokyo and Yokohama, followed by events in Yokohama, Nagoya, Osaka, Seoul, Taipei, and Hong Kong. The U.S. leg had events in Los Angeles and New York, with the European legs held in Paris and London, to coincide with the EU release of the game.[29]

Demo Ops [edit]

A nine-minute video was shown at Gamescom, which strongly emphasized its branch play (the term Co-Ops was used oft, plainly mirroring Portable Ops, which utilized a solo sneaking motif for its story mode).[30] The game made its playable debut at Tokyo Game Show 2009, and IGN released a Japanese-language demo version.[31]

On December 17, 2009, the official English demo of the game was released on the PlayStation Network, containing the levels from the 2009 Tokyo Game Show Japanese demo forth with an all-new boss battle.[32] A survey was made bachelor on Konami's website for the rest of the month later on Dec 17.[33]

Versions and releases [edit]

Two Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Bundle versions accept been released in Nihon, ane consists of the game with a camouflaged PSP-3000, leather pouch, leather wrist strap, material, dog tags, numbered collectible stands, and a booklet for ¥36,980 or Usa$404 with i,974 copies only being made when the game is released on March 18, 2010, from the Konami Style Store.[34] [35] [36] The other bundle offering includes the inconspicuous PSP-3000, a pouch, a wrist strap, a inconspicuous cleaning cloth and the Peace Walker UMD for ¥26,980 or US$295.[34]

For Northward and Southward American players, Sony released a special GameStop exclusive Big Boss Pack that featured a camouflaged PSP-3000 with the UMD game, a downloadable flick voucher for the PlayStation Network, a code to unlock special in-game content and a 4GB Memory Stick PRO Duo.[37] This pack was released on June 8, 2010 for US$199.[38] [39] [40] Among the sectional items included, is a FOX Unit of measurement camouflage and a Stealth Gun.[37]

Boosted content [edit]

After the release of Peace Walker, additional content could be downloaded through the Network office in the extras card. Additional content included uniforms and t-shirt designs for player characters, additional music for the Walkman, new AI boss voices, extra Vocaloid songs and additional magazine covers and 2 comic magazines for the Japanese versions. Players could also use the NetVocaloid services to create their own Vocaloid files, which could be used as voices for Metal Gear ZEKE, Co-Ops communications, song lyrics, and other uses.

Due to the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, the official servers that host the additional content and NetVocaloid services were taken offline in order to conserve power.[41] They eventually returned online. Even so, the NetVocaloid services was discontinued on Feb 28, 2012, while the residue of the downloadable content was discontinued on September 30, 2013. The DLC for the PSP version have since been preserved through third-political party websites.[42]

HD Edition [edit]

A graphically enhanced version of Peace Walker was produced for the PlayStation iii and Xbox 360 in 2011. Titled Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - Hard disk drive Edition, information technology was included in the Metal Gear Solid Hard disk drive Drove in North America and Europe, and given a stand-alone retail release in Nihon.[43] The HD Edition features numerous improvements such as an increased resolution from 272p to 720p with updated textures and 2D art assets for clearer texts and menus,[44] a 60fps framerate, dual analog controls, improved audio quality, and online trophies/achievements. It as well contains some of the downloadable content from the PSP version, such as the thirteen additional camo patterns for the player's combat fatigues and Vocaloid add-ons for the AI weapons, already available by default. The PS3 version of Peace Walker allows players to transfer their save data to the PSP version, and vice versa, through the use of the "Transfarring" feature.[45]

Peace Walker was not included in the PlayStation Vita version of the HD Collection due to the PSP version of Peace Walker being available every bit a digital download on the PlayStation Store.[46] However, the Japanese PS3 version includes a voucher code to download the PSP version.


Blues of Peace and Kazuhira ( 平和と和平のブルース , Heiwa to Kazuhira no Burūsu ) is a Peace Walker-themed sound drama album released in Nippon on September 22, 2010.[47] [48] It features a v-part story written by Hideo Kojima titled "Encounter" ( 出会い , Deai ), which depicts the first meeting between Large Boss and Kazuhira Miller. Other content include additional "Snake & Kaz" drama tracks, music tracks non featured in the Peace Walker soundtrack album and two comprehend renditions of Japanese songs performed past the voice actors from the game as their characters: Minato no Yōko Yokohama Yokosuka ( 港のヨーコ・ヨコハマ・ヨコスカ ) sung by Tomokazu Sugita (as Miller) and Shōwa Blues ( 昭和ブルース ) performed by Akio Ohtsuka (as Snake). The "Encounter" portion of the anthology is included in the Japanese version of Metal Gear Solid Five: Ground Zeroes with optional English subtitles available.

A novelization of Peace Walker was published in Nihon in March 2014,[49] authored by Kenji Yano under the "Hitori Nojima" pen name.[50] 2 versions of the novel were published: a standard edition that was sold by itself and a special edition included with the Ground Zeroes premium bundle sold exclusively by Amazon Nihon.

Reception [edit]

On Metacritic, the game holds a score of 89, indicating "generally favorable reviews".[56] It was given a perfect score of 40/40 in the May 5, 2010 issue of Japanese magazine Weekly Famitsu;[57] making it the fourteenth game to accomplish a perfect score, as well as the first title for the PSP. PSM3 awarded the game 91%, commenting on the game'south power to "take the best bits from every Metal Gear Solid game – the recruitment tricks ... from Portable Ops, the camouflage and multi-thespian from MGS3: Snake Eater, the stripped-downwardly controls from Metal Gear Solid 4 and the bonus missions ... from VR Missions".[58] IGN'south Greg Miller gave the game a score of 9.5/10, stating that it "is probably the biggest game in the Metallic Gear serial, and it's but on Sony's smallest organisation".[59]

Sales [edit]

The game sold 574,957 copies later on ii weeks on sale in Japan.[ citation needed ] Despite initial hopes from Konami that the game would become an international hit,[threescore] sales of Peace Walker take been very poor outside Japan. In Europe the game failed to nautical chart in most countries and placed 13th in the UK its showtime week,[61] and past its third week had fallen out of the top 40. In the United states the game similarly failed to make the top 20 during its first month,[62] selling only 52,000 concrete UMD copies, a markedly worse functioning than Metal Gear Acid.[63] Withal, with the PSP'southward digital content delivery option through PSN, it has been noted that perhaps sales on the PSP should exist counted differently since digital downloads on PSP and PSPgo are not counted.[63] Industry annotator Mike Hickey told IGN that poor sales of the PSP platform itself was likely "the main cause" for Peace Walker 's unimpressive sales.[63] However, Konami has stated they have a profit of $15 one thousand thousand from sales of Peace Walker and Pro Development Soccer games, but they did not provide sales figures for Peace Walker. They have however, said Peace Walker sales helped Metallic Gear games sell 1.27 million copies for the quarter.[64] The low sales of Peace Walker overseas was cited by Hideo Kojima as the reason why Kazuhira Miller was omitted from the box art of Metallic Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes for its international release.[65]

Equally of 2014, Peace Walker has sold 1.99 million copies on the PSP.[66]

Awards [edit]

Peace Walker received the Best of Evidence and Best PSP Game awards during the 2009 Tokyo Game Evidence. IGN later put the game in its Best of 2010 list, where it garnered awards for PSP Game of the Twelvemonth,[67] Most Addictive Game,[68] Best Visuals,[69] Most Bang for Your Buck,[70] Best Story,[71] Best Co-Op[72] and Coolest Atmosphere.[73]

References [edit]

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ Japanese: メタルギアソリッド:ピースウォーカー, Hepburn: Metaru Gia Soriddo: Pīsuu~Ōkā
  2. ^ Excluding its stand up-alone expansion, Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus.
  3. ^ Within the series' continuity, the graphic symbol is recognized as having adopted the name "Large Dominate". However, he prefers to go by "Snake" in the story and is billed every bit such in the ending credits, although other characters withal occasionally telephone call him "Big Boss."

Footnotes [edit]

  1. ^ a b c d e "Official MGS PW website".
  2. ^ "Metallic Gear Solid: Peace Walker Appear". Edge. June ii, 2009. Archived from the original on September 5, 2012. Retrieved June two, 2009.
  3. ^ Arendt, Susan (June 2, 2009). "Liveblog: Sony'southward E3 Press Conference". The Escapist . Retrieved June two, 2009.
  4. ^ "Metal Gear Saga folio from the official Metal Gear Portal" (in Japanese).
  5. ^ "Metallic Gear Solid: Peace Walker Preview: Competitors, Accept Notes". September 24, 2009. Retrieved June 18, 2010.
  6. ^ "Kojima talks Peace Walker". September 25, 2009. Archived from the original on January 24, 2013.
  7. ^ "Kojima talks Peace Walker-PSP News at Gamespot". Archived from the original on January 24, 2013.
  8. ^ "『メタルギア ソリッド ピースウォーカー』2010年3月18日開戦 - ファミ通.com" (in Japanese). 車椅子に乗った科学者風の男性。胸にストレンジラブと色違いの認識票をつけていることから、同じ組織の所属だと思われる。時代的にはオタコンの父親あたりの世代だが......。
  9. ^ a b c "Hideo Kojima interview on Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker". Gamezine. July 21, 2009. Archived from the original on April twenty, 2013. Retrieved March 24, 2013.
  10. ^ Reily, Jim (June 12, 2009). "Kojima Explains Why He Took On 'Peace Walker'". IGN. Retrieved June x, 2013.
  11. ^ a b Totilo, Stephen (September 25, 2009). "Hideo Kojima Talks Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker And How You Tin can Assist Him". Kotaku. Retrieved March 26, 2012.
  12. ^ Robinson, Martin (August 20, 2009). "GC 2009: Hideo Kojima Q&A". IGN. Retrieved June 10, 2013.
  13. ^ Gifford, Kevin (April 21, 2009). "Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker: The Final Pre-Release Interview". Kotaku. Archived from the original on March 4, 2016. Retrieved March 24, 2013.
  14. ^ Ashcraft, Brian (February 24, 2010). "Metallic Gear Solid Peace Walker Was Originally MGS5". Kotaku. Gawker Media. Retrieved August 18, 2015.
  15. ^ Gantayat, Anoop (March 12, 2010). "Kojima Holds Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker Interview... on Twitter". Kotaku. Retrieved March 23, 2013.
  16. ^ Totilo, Stephen (September 25, 2009). "HMetal Gear Solid: Peace Walker: Uncut in United states, cut in Japan". Destructoid. Retrieved April xvi, 2010.
  18. ^ "Square Enix Music Online - 16 Apr 2010: Studios Unite for Metallic Gear Solid: Peace Walker". April 16, 2010. Archived from the original on September 22, 2012. Retrieved June eighteen, 2010.
  19. ^ "link". Oct fourteen, 2009. Retrieved October 20, 2011.
  20. ^ Tolentino, Josh (March 23, 2010). "Metal Gear Peace Walker gets Mountain Dew Peace Walker". Destructoid. Retrieved April 1, 2010.
  21. ^ Glasser, AJ (March 23, 2010). "Japan gets Peace Walker-branded Mountain Dew". GamePro. Archived from the original on April 5, 2010. Retrieved April ane, 2010.
  22. ^ a b Gantayat, Anoop (April seven, 2010). "Konami Announces Mount of Metal Gear Tieups". IGN . Retrieved Oct 16, 2021.
  23. ^ "Sony Page on Official Walkman". Retrieved August 28, 2010.
  24. ^ "Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker Official Website". Retrieved June 18, 2010.
  25. ^ "『MGS PW』フィギュア発売決定!『FRONT MISSION EVOLVED』とコラボも/ゲーム情報ポータル:ジーパラドットコム". Retrieved June eighteen, 2010.
  26. ^ "これまでにない作品が誕生! 『MGS PW』完成披露会で小島秀夫監督が熱弁 - 電撃オンライン". Apr seven, 2010. Retrieved June 18, 2010.
  27. ^ Locust_Star (May 5, 2010). "This Week in PlayStation Home: UNCHARTED 2 Space, MW2 Play Session, Items for Red Expressionless Redemption, & more". Sony Reckoner Entertainment America. Retrieved May 6, 2010.
  28. ^ "Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc". June 29, 2010. Archived from the original on April 2, 2012. Retrieved Oct 20, 2011.
  29. ^ "Metallic GEAR SOLID PEACE WALKER OFFICIAL WEBSITE — WORLD Tour 2010". Retrieved June 18, 2010.
  30. ^ "GamesCom 2009: Collaboration and cooperation". Quickjump. Archived from the original on March 1, 2012. Retrieved August 20, 2009.
  31. ^ Miller, Greg (September 23, 2009). "TGS 2009: Become The MGS Peace Walker Demo Correct Here". IGN . Retrieved February xiv, 2022.
  32. ^ Miller, Greg (December 17, 2009). "Play Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Today". IGN . Retrieved October 15, 2021.
  33. ^ "Konami Digital Amusement, Inc. : METAL GEAR SOLID: PEACE WALKER". Archived from the original on October 6, 2012. Retrieved June 18, 2010.
  34. ^ a b Due north, Dale (January 20, 2010). "Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker PSP parcel details". Destructoid. Retrieved April 1, 2010.
  35. ^ Ashcraft, Brian (January 21, 2010). "First Good Look At New Metallic Gear Solid PSP Bundle". Kotaku. Retrieved Apr i, 2010.
  36. ^ Spencer (Jan 21, 2010). "Glamour Shots Of The Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker PSP". Siliconera. Retrieved March 31, 2010.
  37. ^ a b "Sony Announces Metallic Gear Solid: Peace Walker Parcel". Apr 8, 2010. Archived from the original on Oct 16, 2012. Retrieved Apr 28, 2010.
  38. ^ JC Fletcher on (Apr eight, 2010). "MGS Peace Walker PSP 'Big Boss Packet' is a GameStop exclusive". Joystiq. Archived from the original on October 18, 2012. Retrieved June eighteen, 2010.
  39. ^ Spencer (March 30, 2010). "United mexican states's Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Parcel Has Japan'due south Camouflage PSP". Siliconera. Retrieved March 31, 2010.
  40. ^ McWhertor, Michael (March sixteen, 2010). "Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Shows Its "Spirited Green" Side". Kotaku. Retrieved March 16, 2010.
  41. ^ "Twitter / Kojima Pro Live: To conserve power nosotros are t". Retrieved Oct 20, 2011.
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  43. ^ Gifford, Kevin (Nov 1, 2011). "Japan Review Check: Driver, Peace Walker Hard disk". Retrieved March 3, 2012.
  44. ^ Leadbetter, Richard (March 17, 2012). "Tech Analysis: Metal Gear Solid Remastered".
  45. ^ Miller, Greg (June three, 2011). "E3 2011: Metal Gear, Zone of the Enders Hd Collections". IGN . Retrieved October 16, 2021.
  46. ^ "Podcast - No Peace Walker in MGS Hard disk Vita because it's on PSP PSN".
  47. ^ "METAL GEAR SOLID PEACE WALKER 平和と和平のブルース(CD)". Konamistyle (in Japanese).
  48. ^ "METAL GEAR SOLID PEACE WALKER 平和と和平のブルース". Konami Digital Entertainment (in Japanese).
  49. ^ Nojima, Hitori (March 25, 2014). Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (in Japanese). Kadokawa Shoten. ISBN978-4041012901.
  50. ^ Kojima Productions [@KojiPro2015_EN] (June 13, 2016). "Just so you know; the "Hitori Nojima" from whose proper noun is at the end of the trailer is really our friend Kenji Yano" (Tweet) – via Twitter.
  51. ^ Welsh, Oli (June viii, 2010). "Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker PSP Review — Folio 1". Retrieved June 18, 2010.
  52. ^ "Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker: Reviews, Trailers, and Interviews". Retrieved June xviii, 2010.
  53. ^ McShea, Tom (March 8, 2010). "MGS5 Review for PSP". GameSpot . Retrieved March viii, 2010.
  54. ^ "MGS5, Review". June eight, 2010. Archived from the original on Nov 6, 2012. Retrieved June 8, 2010.
  55. ^ "MGS5 (psp) reviews at". Metacritic . Retrieved March 9, 2010.
  56. ^ "Metallic Gear Solid: Peace Walker". Metacritic.
  57. ^ McWhertor, Michael (April 20, 2010). "Metallic Gear Solid: Peace Walker Scores Famitsu's Latest 40/40". Kotaku. Retrieved April 22, 2010.
  58. ^ "Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker review – 91% in PSM3".
  59. ^ Miller, Greg (June 8, 2010). "Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Review". IGN . Retrieved June xviii, 2010.
  60. ^ "Konami CEO Talks Peace Walker Sales". Archived from the original on Oct 24, 2012. Retrieved July 15, 2010.
  61. ^ "PAL Charts — Week 25, 2010". Various. Retrieved July 15, 2010.
  62. ^ Kohler, Chris (July 15, 2010). "June NPD". NPD. Retrieved July 15, 2010.
  63. ^ a b c "Peace Walker Sales Difficult To Judge". IGN. July 17, 2010. Retrieved October 16, 2021.
  64. ^ Sinclair, Brendan (August five, 2010). "Peace Walker, World Loving cup fever bolster Konami earnings". GameSpot. CBS Interactive. Archived from the original on Nov 24, 2013. Retrieved August 22, 2010.
  65. ^ "Save information carries over from GZ to TPP, possible reward for playing both parts, and more than MGSV info from interviews". November 16, 2013.
  66. ^ Guinness World Records Gamer'due south Edition 2015. Guinness World Records. November 6, 2014. p. 127. ISBN978-ane-908-84366-1.
  67. ^ "Best PSP Game of the Year 2010 - Metallic Gear Solid: Peace Walker". IGN. Retrieved October 20, 2011.
  68. ^ "Most Addictive Game 2010 - Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - PSP - IGN". Retrieved Oct twenty, 2011.
  69. ^ "Best Visuals 2010 - Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker". IGN. Retrieved Oct xx, 2011.
  70. ^ "About Bang for Your Buck 2010 - Metallic Gear Solid: Peace Walker - PSP - IGN". Retrieved Oct 20, 2011.
  71. ^ "Best Story 2010 - Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker". IGN. Retrieved October 20, 2011.
  72. ^ "All-time Co-Op Game 2010 - Metallic Gear Solid: Peace Walker - PSP - IGN". IGN. Retrieved October 20, 2011.
  73. ^ "Coolest Atmosphere 2010 - Metallic Gear Solid: Peace Walker - PSP - IGN". IGN. Retrieved Oct xx, 2011.

External links [edit]

  • Official website


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